R Packages and report templates

E-mail contact@appliedepi.org with questions

Applied Epi leads and contributes to the development of R packages to support applied epidemiologists.

R packages

Applied Epi is leading development of a suite of R packages under the R4Epis project (in partnership with MSF Operational Centre Amsterdam and RECON).

sitrep provides R Markdown report templates for common epidemiological surveys and outbreak reports

epidict provide standardized data dictionaries for use in epidemiological data analysis templates. Currently it supports standardized dictionaries from MSF OCA.

epikit houses convenience R functions for field epidemiologists to use in tidying their reports

epitabulate produces tables for descriptive epidemiological analysis.

apyramid provides a quick method for visualizing census data stratified by age and one or two categorical variables

If you want to submit other R tools for consideration for us to include here, email us at contact@appliedepi.org.