Live R courses

Personalized support to help you learn R

Our live courses

Course access

Currently, our live R courses are offered to organizations or groups. Please see details and pricing in our course brochure.

To inquire about individual seats, please email us at

Instructors with real-world expertise

The best way to learn R is from instructors who know your work. Our instructors are R experts who also have extensive experience working in local applied epidemiology and public health. Read more about our educational approach.

Practitioners love our courses

100% of participants rated our course as "Excellent" or "Good", saying:.

“Really tailored to the needs of epidemiologists. (Field Epidemiology Trainee)”

“The best online training I have ever had. (UK Health Agency epidemiologist”

“I’ve taken other R courses - this is the best R training I’ve ever had. (US CDC epidemiologist)”

“This course put me lightyears ahead in only 5 days! (Epidemiologist, a global NGO)”

“This course addressed the problems on my mind, those day-to-day challenges. Other R courses are far too fast or abstract - this is the first I’ve taken where I actually want to continue!… in 1 hour, we resolved R problems I’ve had for 1 year! (Mentor, Liberia Field Epi Training Program)”

“Inspirational instructors. I cannot recommend highly enough. (Epidemiology team lead)”

“This is one of the most applicable, intense trainings that I’ve done. Every time I’m thinking - I can use this! (US local epidemiologist)”

“This whole experience make me feel quite emotional. In a world that is so inequitable, R is a great equaliser. I feel very empowered by this training. (Epidemiologist, Country of Georgia)”

“I took the Coursera course - this is SO MUCH BETTER. It is so much more tailored to my direct needs. I don’t think like a programmer, I think like an epidemiologst, so this is much more intuitive. (US local epidemiologist)”

Training ground-level public health teams worldwide

In addition to the 250,000 people who use our free resources, Applied Epi has delivered live training to personnel affiliated with:

The World Health Organization (WHO)
Vital Strategies

Nigeria Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP)
The African Field Epidemiology Training Network (AFENET)
Liberia Field Epidemiology Training Program
The Gambia Field Epidemiology Training Program
Zambia Field Epidemiology Training Program
Namibia Field Epidemiology Training Program
The University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) in Rwanda

Peru Field Epidemiology Training Program
The Belize Ministry of Health and Welfare
Guatemala Field Epidemiology Training Program

The European CDC (ECDC)
Public Health Wales (UK)
The UK Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)
US CDC Central Asia Office
Georgia National Centre For Disease Control and Public Health

Saudi Arabia Field Epidemiology Training Program

Taiwan Centers for Disease Control

The CDC Foundation
The California Department of Public Health
The New York State Department of Health
Health departments for US counties: Sonoma (CA), Fulton (GA), Ingham (MI), Jackson (MI), Clinton (MI), Gratiot(MI), Montcalm (MI), Barry (MI), and Eaton (MI)
The Southern Plains Tribal Health Board (Tribal Epidemiology Center, Oklahoma City)
Safe & Just Michigan
The US Virgin Islands Department of Health
Emory University

Sustained support

Our Intro course is bundled with follow-up support in the weeks and months after the classroom instruction, to help you apply your new R skills to your work context.

Competitive prices

Our prices are lower than commercial enterprises or universities selling R training - and our instructors know your challenges and tasks better. Contact us to discuss eligibility for reduced pricing.

Our partners and clients

We partner with local, national, and international health agencies to train their staff. We have worked with Ministries of Health, county/state health agencies, international NGOs, UN agencies, and Field Epi training programs.

Introduction to R for Applied Epidemiology


Participants learn to use R with typical datasets for applied epidemiology using an outbreak investigation case study.


Data cleaning, transforming and joining data, data visualization and graphics, basic GIS mapping, basic statistics, descriptive summary tables, reproducible automated reports (see curriculum details in brochure).


40 hours (10 half-day sessions plus 1-on-1 support) of synchronous instruction.


Remote and in-person options are available.


Pricing is detailed in our course brochure. Contact us to discuss eligibility for discounted prices.

Advanced R courses

These 1-day workshops on advanced R techniques are currently offered only to organizations. Please contact us for availability.

An advanced beginner or intermediate competency in R is a prerequisite. Most students who successfully complete our “Introduction to R for Applied Epidemiology” course are prepared to enroll in these workshops.

GIS mapping with R

Collaboration and version control with R, Git, and GitHub

Dashboards with R Markdown or with R Shiny

R and databases

Advanced data management and task iteration with R

Advanced automated reports with R Markdown

Advanced statistics and regression modeling in R

Advanced data visualization with the ggplot2 package

Survey analysis with R


Creative Commons License Applied Epi Incorporated, 2022
This work is licensed by Applied Epi Incorporated under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License