Frequently Asked Questions

Applied Epi Incorporated is a registered non-for-profit corporation in Maryland USA. It is recognised by the US government as a non-profit, with 501(c)(3) status (EIN: 87-2222471).

How are you different from other groups and companies?

We are technical experts who also have field experience. We have each spent years in local and emergency settings - so we know the challenges of applied epidemiology. This perspective allows us to develop tools and training and support that truly address the needs of ground-level practitioners.

How can I help Applied Epi?

We invite you to:

Will your products always be free?

The Epi R Handbook and our tools will always be free. Our live services such as R training courses are offered using a cost structure that leaves flexibility for low-income customers.

How should I contact Applied Epi?

Email us at, or tweet us @epiRhandbook on Twitter