Elevating frontline epidemiology

Applied Epi is a nonprofit organization strengthening public health practice through open-source tools, training, and support

Home of the Epidemiologist R Handbook

About Us

We support people working on the front lines of public health by accelerating the shift toward analytical tools and epidemiological methods that are accessible and versatile.

We build analytical tools for the common practitioner, offer accessible and relevant training, cultivate a global user community, and advocate for standardized epidemiological methods.

We are the home of The Epidemiologist R Handbook, used by over 250,000 people worldwide.

Meet our team of over 170 contributors in 40 countries, and read more about our story and vision.



Free. Efficient. Cutting-edge.
For a Haitian epidemiologist, using our free Epi R Handbook to transition routine analyses to R meant more flexibility, confidence, and time for systemic change.

With R I can do anything. What took 10 hours in Excel, I do in less than 1 hour. Also it is easier to detect if there is a mistake.

Not just a new tool, but a new culture.
In open-source software like R, users have the agency to be creators - to share localized solutions. Innovation is decentralised and career pathways are opened.

For Applied Epi, R is just the beginning.
Adoption of R as the free common analytical language will facilitate higher-quality analyses, interoperability between agencies, reproducibility, overdue investment in ground-level personnel, and standardisation of scientific methods and training.

Read our case for R

Our Services

We are building a supportive ecosystem of materials, assistance, and community
to bring applied epidemiology into a new era.

The Epi R Handbook

The free R code reference manual for applied epidemiology

R Training

R training by technical experts who have practical experience

Applied Epi Support

Community and Help Desk assistance for code and methods

Applied Epi Methods

We work with partners to standardise our scientific epi methods

R transition support

We help your organization transition to R

R curriculum design

We help you teach R to your students and staff

Multilingual services

We strive to make materials and services multiple languages


Joining our community links you into a broad practitioner network

Partnerships to support ground-level practitioners

We work closely with local Field Epi Training Programs (FETPs), national, and local health agencies
We also collaborate with global entities like TEPHINET, WHO, and Doctors without Borders

Partner with us

Stats and testimonials

We love to hear your stories!
If you enjoy using the Epi R Handbook, tell us at contact@appliedepi.org, join our contact list, or tweet @epiRhandbook

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